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We are always trying to offer more budget to customers than they would get elsewhere and guarantee that you will be satisfied with our service.

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Common queries and questions

What is the domain (web domain)?
A web domain is a unique WEB address through which visitors access your site. You can rent domains from many domestic and foreign companies that deal with this business.
What is hosting?
Web hosting is the location (server) on the internet where your site is located.
Do you provide hosting for the site you create?
We will provide you with the hosting and do everything necessary for your site to function. Also, hosting for the first year is free.
Do I get an email with my website?
Yes. All email addresses in your name contain the domain name of your site and look more professional (i.e. your_name@your_web_address).
What is CMS?
CMS is an abbreviation of Content Management System and is a web content management system that provides a wide range of tools for creating, editing, previewing and uploading content, such as text, images, video materials and audio files.
Can I maintain the site by myself?
Yes. If you opt for a CMS, you have the ability to maintain your site yourself. You will be able to add and delete entire pages, to change text and images. If you have products you will be able to add, swaps and delete at any time and from any place. Many other advanced options will be under your control, depending on the requirements of the project

Got any questions or concerns?

Please use any of our contact details to ask us for questions involving payments, services or anything...